Daily Cards

growth favorites

Maybe this is a physical deck of cards or maybe this is some kind of email or text that goes out every morning. Each morning you receive some kind of objective for the day. Maybe it’s something that does good for someone else, something that takes you out of your comfort zone, etc…

Some random ideas for the cards:

  • Give a complete stranger a sincere complement
  • Touch something that makes you happy: a cat, velvet, the bark of a tree? Take time to notice
  • Relax and take a bubble bath
  • Gather some flowers and put them in a vase in your home
  • Eat at a restaurant you’ve never tried before
  • Do something you have never tried doing before
  • Treat yourself you deserve it
  • Take a 15-minute walk outside to clear your head
  • Make the effort to learn people’s names you might interact with frequently
  • Pick up litter out in a public place
  • Go to the library and choose a random book from the shelf to check out
  • Look up random acts of kindness online
  • Say hello with a smile to everyone you see
  • Watch the sun set
  • Go to Wikipedia and read an article about a topic you’ve never heard of
  • Do something nice for a complete stranger
  • Play your favorite song with the volume turned way up and sing aloud
  • Take a moment to stretch your entire body
  • Watch a random Ted talk
  • Look back at old photos and relive some of your favorite memories
  • Try making a new recipe in the kitchen
  • Reach out to a friend that you haven’t talked to in a long time
  • Try talking with someone you wouldn’t normally connect with
  • Give someone an unexpected gift
  • When you go out somewhere take a different route then you’ve ever tried before
  • Go through your day with straight upright posture
  • Do something that you love to do as a kid but haven’t done in years
  • Handwrite a thank you note to someone and tell them how much you appreciate what they do
  • Write down three things you are grateful for in your life
  • Eat five different vegetables
  • Do some exercise for at least 15 minutes
  • When around other people completely put your phone away and give them all of your attention
  • Carry around a coin in your pocket whenever you have a decision to make flip the coin and let it decide for you
  • Smell something that makes you happy: a mandarin, your lover’s perfume, chocolate, you decide
  • Give someone you love a hug for more than six seconds
  • Say yes to everything as long as it’s not illegal unethical etc
  • Go through a drive-through and pay for the meal of the person behind you. Let the cashier know to tell them to pay it forward
  • Smile at strangers you see
  • Take a moment to color in a coloring book
  • Make a donation, Even if it’s just $1 to a charitable organization
  • Rewatch one of your old favorite movies
  • Who is a positive note inside of a book at the library
  • Go through a single room or area in your home and completely declutter it
  • Write a kind note to your future self and put it somewhere where you’ll uncover it at some point